
HUAJINGTANG TCM is effective in treating constipation

2022-07-27 10:13:19

Many people have a history of constipation, which is difficult to solve. Drinking yogurt for a month is useless; Eating bananas, one a day, is useless; Doing exercise, skipping rope 2000 times a day, constipation worsened after a week.
Seven hazards of constipation
1、 Constipation leads to abnormal pigmentation on the face, chloasma, skin darkening, acne and so on.
Some people have breath because of constipation.
2、 It can directly cause or strengthen anorectal diseases, such as proctitis, anal fissure, hemorrhoids, etc
3、 Gastrointestinal nerve dysfunction: fecal retention and absorption of harmful substances will induce gastrointestinal nerve dysfunction, leading to abdominal distension, anorexia and other symptoms.
4、 Cause sexual life disorder
5、 Cause intestinal tumor:
American scientists published a report in the monthly journal of epidemiology that the incidence rate of colon cancer in people with constipation is more than four times that of normal people.
6、 Affect brain function:
Metabolites in constipation age are long delayed in the digestive tract, and bacteria produce a large number of harmful substances, such as methane, phenol, ammonia, etc. some of these substances diffuse into the central nervous system and interfere with brain function, with prominent manifestations of memory decline, distraction, slow thinking, etc.
7、 Induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
Constipation itself does not pose a fatal risk. If you are older and suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it has become a risk factor. Because when defecating with force, the blood pressure will be higher than usual, and the oxygen consumption of the body will increase, which is easy to induce angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, sudden death of stroke, etc. this kind of cases has increased year by year in clinical practice

Constipation is so harmful, how to treat it? In addition to conventional drug treatment and surgical treatment, you can also try traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Chinese medicine doctors will make specific medical plans according to the situation and requirements of patients.
First of all, TCM treatment of chronic constipation; First, appropriate prescriptions will be prescribed according to the symptoms of constipation.
In huajingtang TCM, the method of traditional Chinese medicine + acupuncture + massage has relieved the constipation pain of many people.
Massage can improve intestinal blood circulation, promote intestinal peristalsis, and enhance the sense of defecation. Moreover, abdominal massage is a green therapy, which has no side effects and is easier to be accepted by patients.
Here, we will focus on the methods of traditional Chinese massage to alleviate constipation.
1. Abdominal massage method:
Patient in supine position
2. Massage abdomen and take acupoints:
Take Zhongwan, Shenque, bilateral Tianshu, bilateral Daheng and Guanyuan.
The masseur stands on the left side with his hands in a bowl shape, palms overlapping, and puts them on the abdomen. The wrist rotates and winds around so that the "bowl edge" contacts the abdomen counterclockwise. Take Zhongwan point (the midpoint of the connecting line between the lower sternum and the navel) as the midpoint, massage the thumb at each point for 30 times, and then massage clockwise with the thenar muscle and palm root of the hand.
3. Advantages of abdominal massage: the abdomen is the place where important meridians converge. The purpose of defecation can be achieved through massage. Abdominal massage can also improve intestinal blood circulation, increase intestinal mucosal neurotrophic, improve intestinal peristalsis function, and promote defecation.

Constipation is often caused by many factors, including bad lifestyle, poor mood, abuse of laxatives and the impact of some chronic diseases.
If you have constipation, don't panic. You must treat it under the guidance of a professional doctor. After regular treatment, you will achieve certain results!

Some studies suggest that traditional Chinese medicine + acupuncture + abdominal massage can improve the effect of treating constipation.
The method of treating constipation will vary according to the condition of each patient and the experience of each doctor.
It is suggested that those who have symptoms come to the Chinese scripture hall TCM to listen to the professional advice of traditional Chinese medicine doctors, so as not to delay the disease.
In addition, massage should be operated by a professional masseur or under the guidance of a professional doctor.
If you have a friend with constipation, please share this article with him and the concept of health. This is the best gift for your friend!
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