
Scraping Cupping

Scraping and cupping are both external treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine, which are safe and effective, dredging meridians and activating collaterals, expelling cold and dehumidification, and promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.
Scraping method is based on the theory of meridians and collaterals in traditional Chinese medicine. It uses scraping instruments to scrape and wipe a certain part of the body surface to prevent and treat diseases, which stimulates the skin and muscles, so as to dredge the meridians, promote qi and blood circulation, and adjust the functions of viscera. Scraping the back and chest can activate human immune cells.
Cupping takes the pot as a tool, and uses fire burning, air extraction and other methods to remove the air in the pot, causing negative pressure, so that it can be adsorbed on the corresponding acupoints on the body surface. It has the effects of promoting qi and pain, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dispelling wind and dispersing cold.